Operatic Experience

Concert Performances

Ensemble - Der Zwerg - Zemlinsky Odyssey Opera
Boston, MA
Second Spirit - The Magic Flute - Mozart The Cambridge Chamber Ensemble
Cambridge, MA
Ensemble - Dimitrij - Dvořák Odyssey Opera
Ensemble - Le Cid - Massenet Odyssey Opera
Ensemble - Rienzi - Wagner Odyssey Opera
Greater Worcester Opera 10th Anniversary Gala Worcester, MA
Greater Worcester Opera Summer Concert Series
      Aria Night, American Songbook Night
Worcester, MA
Greater Worcester Opera Aria Sing Worcester, MA
Longwood Opera Summer Concert Series
      Aria Night, Scenes, and Broadway Night
Needham, MA
Chorus - Le Rossignol - Stravinsky
      L'Enfant et les Sortilèges - Ravel
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Boston, MA

Staged Operas

Ensemble The Mikado Greater Worcester Opera
Clo-Clo The Merry Widow Worcester Schubertiade
Ensemble The Marriage of Figaro Greater Worcester Opera
Frasquita Carmen Greater Worcester Opera
Pamina The Magic Flute* Ithaca College
Frasquita Carmen* Ithaca College
Lucia Lucia di Lammermoor* Ithaca College
Mary The Yellow Wallpaper by Ron Perera University of New Hampshire
Blanche Dialogues of the Carmelites* University of New Hampshire
Ensemble Elisir d'Amore University of New Hampshire

*Denotes Scenes

Major Choral Events

Solo Engagements

Magnificat (solo excerpts) Vivaldi Diamonds from the Dust, Worcester Youth Orchestra
Worcester, MA
The Messiah Handel Maplewind Youth Orchestra
Barre, MA
Assabet Valley Mastersingers
Northborough, MA
Judas Maccabaeus Handel Pilgrim Festival Chorus
Plymouth, MA
Dona Nobis Pacem Vaughan Williams Pilgrim Festival Chorus
Masterworks Chorale Summer Sing
Lexington, MA
Five Mystical Songs Vaughan Williams Pilgrim Festival Chorus
The Creation Haydn Pilgrim Festival Chorus
Cantata #29 J.S. Bach St. Paul's Church
Ithaca, NY
Missa Solemnis Beethoven University of New Hampshire

Other Performing Opportunities

Cantata Singers - Soprano** Boston, MA
Diamonds From The Dust Chamber Choir - Soprano** Worcester, MA
Big Smiles Entertainment - Victorian Holiday Caroler** Locations throughout MA
Tanglewood Festival Chorus- member Boston, MA
Summer Church Soloist St. Stephen's Church, Westborough, MA
First Congregational Church, Boylston, MA
National Anthem Singer for UNH athletic events University of New Hampshire
Backup singer for Kenny Rogers
   (with UNH Concert Choir)
Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH
Backup singer for Barry Manilow
   (with UNH Concert Choir)
Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, NH

**Denotes current engagement